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Project Kick-Off PT Prima Energi - Dynamics 365 Business Central for Oil & Gas Industry

Dynamics 365 Business Central

Dynamics 365 Business Central for Oil & Gas Industry

Great news, today we are proud to announce the project Kick-off #Dynamics365#BusinessCentral with our valued customer PT Prima Energi.

PT Prima Energi stands to be a responsible and innovative leader in the #oilandgas industry, providing exceptional services that meet the needs of their clients while minimizing their environmental impact and upholding the highest ethical standards.

Thank you PT Prima Energi for choosing and entrusting #WCS as the #Dynamics365BusinessCentral implementation partner. Hopefully, PT Prima Energi can further optimize their #business operations and have more visibility and access across all business processes with accountability, and #realtime#analytics, and ultimately improve their SLA to their customers.

Dynamics 365 Business Central for Oil & Gas Industry

Dynamics 365 Business Central for Oil & Gas Industry

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